March 2025 Build Team - March 4th - March 13th,  2025

Sponsor a March '25 Build Participant

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You can write out a cheque to "Possibilities International" and send to...
4158 Andrew Street, Petrolia, ON
Donate by CC via Paypal here.
On all donations please note the recipient.
  • Sam Welten (Team Leader)

    There is no doubt that this team of World Changers will impact the hurting, helpless, and hopeless in Guatemala. 

  • Mark Abernethy

    I cannot wait to travel once again to Guatemala and impact the hurting, helpless and hopeless.  Let's build some houses!

    (Amount Owing - $0)

  • The Hart Family

    Mike & Bettina are thrilled to travel with their two sons Timothy and Spencer, exposing them to the possibilities and joys of helping others.  This trip will be epic.

    (Amount Owing $9,996)

  • Chris Venter

    I am thrilled to once again head to Guatemala with Possibilities International and helping those in need.

    (Amount Owing - $1,449)

  • Maverick Venter

    Here we go again on the "Building Houses" train.  I cannot wait to impact the hurting, helpless, and hopeless in Guatemala. 

    (Amount Owing - $1,499)

  • Joey Butara

    This will be my first humanitarian aid trip with Possibilities International.  I love helping people and cannot wait to build houses in Guatemala.

    (Amount Owing - $1,399)

  • Frank Butara

    First trip with Possibilities International.  Cannot wait to help others with my son, Joey!  Bring on the House Builds.

    (Amount Owing - $1,499)

  • Rob Dunn

    I was on a Build Team a few years ago and cannot wait to head back to Guatemala again and do my best to impact the hurting, helpless, and hopeless.  (Amount Owing - $1,499)