Children's Home - Accra, Ghana

Assurance of Hope

Thank you for considering supporting the Assurance of Hope (AOH) children's home in Ghana Africa.  Founded many years ago by an amazing local family  (that still run the day to day operations today) this is a home Possibilities International came across in 2012 and have been intimately involved with ever since.  

I have been involved with the Assurance of Hope home since 2013 and seeing first hand that is exactly what they do, provide hope to those that otherwise many have none.  They take in children in need for various reasons and once a child comes into care they typically spend the rest of their adolescence in the home.

We traditionally call these types of homes orphanages but this is a home and 1 giant family, I have been there dozens of times and it has never felt like an orphanage

Without AOH and your support, most of these children would end up living on the streets with a bleak future.  With your continued support every child attends school in uniform, are well nourished and have a loving home to call their own.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!      (see report below circledownarrow )

AOH Report

In 2023, Assurance of Hope for the Needy made significant strides in its mission of service delivery, thanks to the unwavering support of our primary sponsor, Possibilities International. Their commitment to nurturing our future leaders, the children under our care, has been instrumental in addressing their basic and personal needs. While last year marked considerable achievements, we are optimistic about the potential for even greater accomplishments in 2024. We have ambitious goals and aspirations, and with the continued support of our esteemed sponsors, we aim to realize them.

In 2023, we extended our assistance to victims of water-related calamities, providing essential items such as clothing gathered from our orphanage. We also received generous donations from Possibilities International, including a new television set, couches, and various recreational activities. We express our heartfelt gratitude to all our supporters for bringing joy and comfort to the deserving souls under our care. The children have shown remarkable resilience and appreciation for the assistance received, ensuring that every contribution towards their well-being and the home's upkeep is cherished and put to good use.

Each year, we witness the progression of our school-going children, from completing junior high school to advancing into senior high school and tertiary education. In 2023, three of our senior high school students achieved excellent grades, qualifying for admission into universities and nursing schools. However, the financial burden of tertiary education in Ghana remains a challenge. With the assistance of generous philanthropists, we have initiated the construction of an uncompleted shop for vocational training in hairdressing and barbering. Our vision for 2024 is to complete both the interior and exterior of the shop, facilitating its smooth operation and empowering the beneficiaries to become self-sufficient. The estimated cost for completing the shop is approximately $5,402 CAD, which we plan to address gradually.

Furthermore, we are faced with the impending expiration of rent agreements for older girls in June 2024, necessitating a rent advance of 14,000 cedis (approximately $1600.00 CAD) for the next two years. The monthly rent is crucial for providing a stable living environment for these young women.

Another pressing need is the acquisition of a van for the children's home, which would facilitate transportation to and from school, as well as shopping for essential supplies. While a larger van is prohibitively expensive, we remain hopeful of finding a generous donor to support this endeavor.

In conclusion, 2023 was a year of progress and accomplishments, made possible by the generosity and support of our sponsors and well-wishers. As we embark on the challenges and opportunities of 2024, we remain committed to our mission of providing hope and assistance to the needy, guided by the principle that every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant difference in the lives of those we serve.